help,Q&A,8088,interrupt FIXES AND UPDATES Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 33Disabling/enabling interrupts on early versions of IBM PC (see Byte, July 1984, p. 38)---improvement doesn't work. help,Q&A,bug,Sanyo,MBC 550,animation BYTE'S BUGS Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 34Bug in sample animation program/review of Sanyo MBC 550 (Byte, Aug. 1984). help,Q&A,graphics,PCjr,screen,chip,interface,9-track tape S. Ciarcia ASK BYTE Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 481)High res. graphics tutorial, 2)PCjr screen modes 5 & 6, 3)Tu- torial on 8086 vs 80186/80286, 4)OS-hardware interfacing, 5)9-track tape drive controllers. book,review,computer,human,sociology,spirit A. Townsend BOOK REVIEWS Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 65Review of: S. Turkle, THE SECOND SELF: COMPUTERS AND THE HUMAN SPIRIT (Simon & Schuster, 1984). book,review,information,security,protect A. Hinshaw BOOK REVIEWS Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 67Review of: R. P. Fisher, INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY (Prentice- Hall, 1984). book,review,chip,microprocessor A. Finger BOOK REVIEWS Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 74Review of: W. V. Subbarao, MICROPROCESSORS: HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, AND DESIGN APPLICATIONS (Reston Publishing, 1984). power supply,electrical,UPS,insert W. Rynone "Uninterruptible Power Supplies" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 183Overview of uniterruptible power supplies (UPSs). [Also, insertsentitled "Constructing An Emergency Light Source" and "UPS Shop- ping Questions"]. light source,emergency,electrical,do-it-yourself,insert "Constructing An Emergency Light Source" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 190Insert in "Uninterruptible Power Supplies" by W. Rynone, this article gives circuits for constructing emergency lighting. power supply,electrical,UPS,consumer,purchase,questions,insert "UPS Shopping Questions" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 192Insert in "Uninterruptible Power Supplies" by W. Rynone, this article gives some appropriate questions to ask when shopping fora UPS device. tutorial,fiber optics,light,communication,network,connect,insert R. S. Shuford "An Introduction to Fiber Optics. Part 2: Connections and.......Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 197...Networks". Continuation of previous tutorial on fiber optics.This time: how they are connected together in networks. [Insert entitled "Driving the Fiber-Optic Ethernet Bus"]. tutorial,fiber optics,light,communication,network,Ethernet,insert "Driving the Fiber-Optic Ethernet Bus" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 198Insert in "An Introduction to Fiber Optics. Part 2" by R. S. Shu-ford, this article discusses fiber-optics in terms of Ethernet. frequency,audio,analyzer,board,do-it-yourself,electrical,stereo V. Banes "Audio-Frequency Analyzer" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 223Do-it-yourself construction project---an audio-frequency analyzerboard for charting the frequency response of your stereo using your IBM PC. tutorial,font,typography,workstation,screen,printer,display C. Bigelow "Font Design For Personal Workstations" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 255Tutorial on the state-of-the-art of on-screen and printer font technology. tutorial,history,artificial intelligence,AI,expert system,insert B. D'Ambrosio "Expert Systems - Myth or Reality?" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 275Short history of artificial intelligence (AI) and a discussion ofexpert systems. [Also, an insert entitled "Personal Computers and Expert Systems"]. tutorial,artificial intelligence,AI,expert system,insert "Personal Computers and Expert Systems" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 276Insert in "Expert Systems - Myth or Reality?" by B. D'Ambrosio, this article discusses the use of expert systems and AI at the level of the personal computer. commentary,editorial,pfs:series,Commodore Plus 4,SuperScout R. Malloy REVIEWER'S NOTEBOOK Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 289Product-review editor comments on the pfs:series of software, the Commodore Plus 4, and the SuperScout package. review,HP 110,Hewlett-Packard,portable,lap-size,compatible,insertM. Haas SYSTEM REVIEW - "The HP 110 Portable Computer" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 290Review of the HP 110 (by Hewlett-Packard), a portable computer that is capable of connecting up to the IBM PC. [Also, an insertentitled "An Introduction to HPIL"]. tutorial,HP 110,Hewlett-Packard,HPIL,interface,loop,insert "An Introduction to HPIL" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 300Insert in "The HP 110 Portable Computer" by M. Haas, this articledescribes the Hewlett-Packard Interface Loop (HPIL)--an interfacesystem. review,Symphony,Lotus D. Pountain SOFTWARE REVIEW - "Lotus's Symphony" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 317Review of Symphony (by Lotus Development Corp.). review,MagicPrint,MagicIndex,MagicBind,EdiType,printer,utility A. R. Miller SOFTWARE REVIEW - "MagicPrint" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 329Review of MagicPrint (by Computer EdiType Systems), a program that allows you to print documents with true proportional spacing(also: MagicBind and MagicIndex). review,ThinkJet,printer,Hewlett-Packard,HP M. Haas HARDWARE REVIEW - "The Hewlett-Packard ThinkJet Printer" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 337Review of the ThinkJet printer (by Hewlett-Packard). review,Omni 800/Model 855,printer,Texas Instruments,TI M. Haas HARDWARE REVIEW - "The TI Omni 800/Model 855 Printer" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 345Review of the Omni 800/Model 855 Printer (by Texas Instruments). review,speed,PCturbo,book,hard disk,STB RIO,Tax Shelter Eater J. Pournelle COMPUTING AT CHAOS MANOR - "The Fast Lane" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 3631)Review of PCturbo 186 board (Orchid Tech.), 2)Book: ABOUT HARD DISKS FOR THE IBM PC, 3)STB RIO Plus board, 4)Tax Shelter Eater (program). tutorial,math,count,enumerate,combinatorics M. W. Ecker MATHEMATICAL RECREATIONS - "The Fundamental Counting Principle" Byte 85/01 Jan v.10 n.1 425Tutorial that explores ways of counting without enumerating (the branch of mathematics called combinatorics). help,Q&A,Corona,Radio Shack,line filter,surge,power-on,telephone S. Ciarcia ASK BYTE Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 481)Corona PC compatibility, 2)Radio Shack line filter, 3)Power-on/removing disks, 4)Telephone call monitor (pulse counter). book,review,Turing,enigma,biography G. M. Vose BOOK REVIEWS Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 65Review of: A. Hodges, ALAN TURING: THE ENIGMA (Simon & Schuster, 1983). book,review,graphics J. L. Maggiore BOOK REVIEWS Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 68Review of: G. Enderle, K. Kansy, and G. Pfaff, COMPUTER GRAPHICS PROGRAMMING (Springer-Verlag, 1984). book,review,data structure,design E. Brent BOOK REVIEWS Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 76Review of: R. L. Kruse, DATA STRUCTURES AND PROGRAM DESIGN (Prentice-Hall, 1984). tutorial,EPROM programmer,burner,do-it-yourself,electronic,chip S. Ciarcia CIARCIA'S CIRCUIT CELLAR - "Build A Serial EPROM Programmer" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 104Do-it-yourself project to build an inexpensive EPROM programmer. C language,Pascal,conversion,tutorial T. Carnevale "C to Pascal" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 138A program is presented for converting C programs to Pascal. tutorial,servo-control,simulation,electronic,engineer D. Stauffer "Simulate A Servo System" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 147Tutorial on how to design servo-control systems using a personal computer and BASIC. tutorial,image processing,I/P,graphics,enhance J. L. Star "Introduction To Image Processing" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 163Introductory tutorial on image processing---how to manipulate images to make them more informative. interview,J. H. Wilkinson,Turing,ACE,NPL,history J. C. Nash "The Birth Of A Computer" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 177Interview with James H. Wilkinson, a mathematician who worked with Alan Turing at the National Physical Laboratory of England, and who played a leading role in the ACE computer development. tutorial,Fourier,transform,smooth,noise,data,math,engineer E. E. Aubanel and K. B. Oldham "Fourier Smoothing Without The Fast Fourier Transform" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 207In-depth look at using Fourier transform techniques in order to remove noise from data. tutorial,floating-point,arithmetic,Paranoia,benchmark,test,insertR. Karpinski "Paranoia: A Floating-Point Benchmark" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 223Tutorial on floating-point arithmetic and presentation of the Paranoia benchmark---designed to test the quality of your soft- ware. [Insert "IEEE Arithmetic and Paranoia Availability"]. floating-point,arithmetic,Paranoia,IEEE,standard,protocol,insert "IEEE Arithmetic and Paranoia Availability" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 228Insert in "Paranoia: A Floating-Point Benchmark" by R. Karpinski,this article discusses IEEE arithmetic (standards). How to get copies of the IEEE work, as well as Paranoia, is given. tutorial,mass-action,kinetics,simulation,model,science,engineer A. Curtis "Modeling Mass-Action Kinetics" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 239Tutorial on the simulation of mass-action kinetics (e.g., ex- tracting uranium from seawater) using a microcomputer. tutorial,laboratory,interface,data acquisition,engineer,science L. E. Ford, M.D. "Laboratory Interfacing" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 263Tutorial on interfacing laboratory devices to the IBM PC. tutorial,laboratory,interface,data acquisition,engineer,science T. R. Clune "Interfacing For Data Acquisition" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 269Tutorial on interfacing laboratory devices to microcomputers for data acquisition purposes. review,laboratory,data acquisition,Labtech Notebook,Asyst G. Hartwig REVIEWER'S NOTEBOOK Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 289Product-review editor comments on two software packages for laboratory data acquisition: Labtech Notebook (Laboratory Tech- nologies) and Asyst (Macmillan Software). review,NewStar,NewWord,word processor,WordStar,clone J. Heilborn and N. Reel SOFTWARE REVIEW - "NewWord" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 291Review of NewWord (by NewStar Software), a WordStar clone. review,Janus/Ada,compiler,RR M. J. Welch SOFTWARE REVIEW - "Janus/Ada" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 295Review of the Janus/Ada compiler (by RR Software), a nonstandard subset of Ada for MS-DOS. review,MRI Modula-2,Logitech Modula-2/86 K. Bowyer SOFTWARE REVIEW - "Two Modula-2 Compilers for the IBM PC" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 311Review of MRI Modula-2 Compiler (by Modula Research Institute) and Logitech Modula-2/86 (by Logitech Inc.). review,EasyLink,Western Union,MCI Mail,E-Mail,electronic mail W. Rash Jr. SOFTWARE REVIEW - "E-Mail for the Masses" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 317Review of MCI Mail (by MCI Telecommunications) and EasyLink (by Western Union). review,printer,MT 160 Mannesmann Tally M. J. Welch HARDWARE REVIEW - "Mannesmann Tally MT 160" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 325Review of the MT 160 printer (by Mannesmann Tally). help,Sieve,Eratosthenes,benchmark,PeachText 5000,bug,patch REVIEW FEEDBACK Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 3311)Sieve of Eratosthenes benchmark, 2)PeachText 5000 (PROP ON/OFF)patch. review,book,SemiDisk,board,PCturbo,reset,I Ching,flow chart J. Pournelle COMPUTING AT CHAOS MANOR - "Troubles" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 3391)Commentary on book publishing glut, 2)SemiDisk boards, 3)Reset button, 4)PCturbo 186 board (Orchid), 5)I Ching, 6)Flow Charting help,Q&A,NEC PC-8201A,lap-size J. Pournelle CHAOS MANOR MAIL Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 359NEC PC-8201A (lap-size). law,legal,Lotus R. G. Sterne and P. J. Saidman COMPUTERS AND LAW - "Copying Mass-Marketed Software" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 387Both sides of the Lotus lawsuits. tutorial,macroeconomics,Lotus 1-2-3,spreadsheet,equation,insert J.-H. Johansson "Simultaneous Equations With Lotus 1-2-3" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 399Macroeconomics tutorial involving a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet and simultaneous equations. [Insert entitled "Klein's Model I in Lotus 1-2-3"]. tutorial,macroeconomics,Lotus 1-2-3,spreadsheet,Klein,insert "Klein's Model I in Lotus 1-2-3" Byte 85/02 Feb v.10 n.2 405Insert in "Simultaneous Equations With Lotus 1-2-3" by J.-H. Johansson, this article is a complete step-by-step example (related to the parent article). editorial,commentary,68000,chip,microprocessor,future,forecast P. Lemmons EDITORIAL - "Another World: The 68000" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 6Editorial commentary on the 68000 chip and the future of the microcomputer industry. help,Q&A,fractal,RAS,Knuth,MAKEBAT,hard disk,random number,Cayley LETTERS Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 141)Some insights on fractals, 2)RSA algorithm and Knuth, 3)Bug andcorrection to MAKEBAT.ASM, 4)Adding a hard disk, 5)Random numbers6)BASIC compatibility, 7)Cayley algebra. help,PC-DOS,Help function,public-domain,education,survey,free BYTE'S BITS Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 341)PC-DOS help functions (public-domain), 2)Free disk with survey results on American education. help,Q&A,search,replace,benchmark,Z80,8088,conversion S. Ciarcia ASK BYTE Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 481)Search and replace benchmarks, 2)Z80-8088 code conversion. book,review,UNIX I. Pasternack BOOK REVIEWS Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 65Review of: The Waite Group, UNIX PRIMER PLUS (Howard W. Sams, 1983). book,review,UNIX,business I. Pasternack BOOK REVIEWS Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 65Review of: J. L. Yates and S. Emerson, THE BUSINESS GUIDE TO THE UNIX SYSTEM (Addison-Wesley, 1984). book,review,UNIX I. Pasternack BOOK REVIEWS Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 65Review of: P. Weinberg and J. R. Groff, UNDERSTANDING UNIX: A CONCEPTUAL GUIDE (Que Corp., 1983). book,review,UNIX I. Pasternack BOOK REVIEWS Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 65Review of: M. G. Sobell, A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE UNIX SYSTEM (Benjamin-Cummings, 1984). book,review,UNIX I. Pasternack BOOK REVIEWS Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 65Review of: B. W. Kernighan and R. Pike, THE UNIX PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT (Prentice-Hall, 1984). book,review,UNIX I. Pasternack BOOK REVIEWS Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 65Review of: S. R. Bourne, THE UNIX SYSTEM (Addison-Wesley, 1983). do-it-yourself,electronics,circuit,touch-tone,DTMF,speech,dial S. Ciarcia CIARCIA'S CIRCUIT CELLAR - "Build the Touch-Tone Interactive.....Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 98...Message System". Do-it-yourself electronics project---an autodialer, DTMF decoder, and speech synthesizer in an answering machine. tutorial,arithmetic,math,floating-point,algorithm,BASIC P. Rice "Arithmetic On Your PC" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 119Tutorial on arithmetic operations. BASIC program for all four of the arithmetic algorithms that lets you circumvent the float- ing-point limitation of the IBM PC. do-it-yourself,Sanyo,MBC 550,serial,board,communication R. K. W. Chang "Build A Serial Card" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 129Do-it-yourself electronics project to build a serial board for the Sanyo MBC 550 computer. tutorial,gas-plasma,electroluminescent,display,monitor,screen R. S. Shuford "Two Flat-Display Technologies" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 130Tutorial on gas-plasma panels and electroluminescent displays. tutorial,navigation,ship,sea,BASIC,position,sextant,glossary F. N. Rounds "Navigation: Putting The Microcomputer To Work At Sea" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 141Tutorial on navigation and BASIC program for computing a ship's geographic position based on two successive sextant readings. Includes glossary of navigation terms. tutorial,CONVERT,unit-conversion,algorithm,BASIC,measure,insert D. L. Kahn "A Unit-Conversion Algorithm" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 151CONVERT program (BASIC) for measurement conversion. [Also, an insert entitled "Number-Base Conversion"]. tutorial,CONVERT,conversion,algorithm,BASIC,number-base,insert "Number-Base Conversion" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 152Insert in "A Unit-Conversion Algorithm" by D. L. Kahn, this arti-cle presents a simple number-base conversion algorithm. review,editor,VEDIT,PMATE,P-Edit,BRIEF,CSE,P-Edit,TED,SPF,WS S. McMahon BARGAIN COMPUTING - "Build Your Own Dream Editor" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 171Although not strictly a review, this article looks at a few programming editors: VEDIT, PMATE, BRIEF, CSE, P-Edit, WS-NonDoc,TED, SPF/edit. free,public-domain,user-supported J. Markoff and E. Shapiro BARGAIN COMPUTING - "Public-Domain Gems" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 207A selection of free and nearly free software. tutorial,XLISP,public-domain,artificial intelligence,AI D. Betz BARGAIN COMPUTING - "An XLISP Tutorial" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 221Tutorial on XLISP, a programming language in the public-domain that lets you experiment with artificial intelligence. review,SURF,Bridge,graphics,3-D T. Clune BARGAIN COMPUTING - "Budget 3-D Graphics" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 240Overview of SURF (by Bridge Software), a graphics program for generating 3-D plots. review,Wheelprinter,New Hampshire Ada,NH-Ada,Rightwriter G. Hartwig REVIEWER'S NOTEBOOK Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 245Product-review editor comments on: Wheelprinter (by IBM), New Hampshire Ada (aka NH-Ada) (by TT&T Corp.), and Rightwriter. review,NEC,APC III,compatible J. D. Unger SYSTEM REVIEW - "The NEC APC III" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 256Review of the APC III (by NEC), and IBM PC software compatible computer. review,KoalaPad,touch-pad,input device,graphics D. R. Osgood HARDWARE REVIEW - "The KoalaPad" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 283Review of The KoalaPad (by Koala Technologies Corp.), a touch-padinput device. review,FriendlyWriter,FriendlySpeller,FriendlyWare,word processorS. D. Ryals SOFTWARE REVIEW - "FriendlyWriter and FriendlySpeller" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 289Review of FriendlyWriter and FriendlySpeller (by FriendlySoft). review,PCjr,Tecmar,jrCaptain,board,memory G. Hartwig HARDWARE REVIEW - "Tecmar's jrCaptain" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 299Review of jrCaptain (by Tecmar), a memory expansion board for theIBM PCjr. COMDEX,hacker,C. Moore,FORTH,BASIC,Write Once,laser disk,CD ROM J. Pournelle COMPUTING AT CHAOS MANOR - "On the Road: Hackercon and COMDEX" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 3131)COMDEX, 2)Hackers, 3)Chuck Moore/FORTH, 4)Professional BASIC, 5)Write Once laser disk, 6)CD ROM hacker,conference,GEM Digital Research J. Markoff, P. Robinson, and E. Shapiro BYTE WEST COAST - "Up to Date" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 3551)Overview of the hackers' conference held in November in the SF Bay Area, 2)GEM (Digital Research). Turbo Pascal,RAM,UNIX,PC-UX,NEC APC III,IBM JX,WordStar 2000 W. M. Raike BYTE JAPAN - "A Sampler" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 3751)Turbo Pascal, 2)Megabit RAM, 3)UNIX, 4)PC-UX, NEC APC III, 5)IBM JX, 6)WordStar 2000. math,tutorial,magic square,array,BASIC,game R. T. Kurosaka MATHEMATICAL RECREATIONS - "Magic Squares" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 383Tutorial and BASIC program for constructing any odd-order magic square array. help,Q&A,Trump Card,multiuser S. Ciarcia CIRCUIT CELLAR FEEDBACK Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 390Lots on the Trump Card (multiuser). tutorial,Hyper,BASIC,factor,public-key cipher,math R. B. Leining PROGRAMMING INSIGHT - "Factoring With Hyper" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 396Tutorial and BASIC program (Hyper) on factoring large numbers andpublic-key ciphers. tutorial,assembly,BASIC,emulation,MAC10 J. R. Robbins PROGRAMMING INSIGHT - "An Assembly-Language Emulator Program" Byte 85/03 Mar v.10 n.3 404Tutorial and BASIC program (MAC10) for decimal based machine language emulation. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\